Website Privacy Policy for Eudora Investment Limited

Protecting your personal information is important to us. So is following New Zealand’s privacy laws. This Privacy Policy (Policy) tells you how we will protect your privacy and collect and use your personal information (any reference to “we”, “us” or “our” is to Eudora Investment Limited). This Privacy Policy applies to customers and other third party personal information (referred to as "you" and “your”). Our Privacy Policy applies when you use our Website ( (Website), our App or when you otherwise interact with us.

“Personal Information" means any information that can directly or indirectly identify you or another person as provided for in the Privacy Act 2020.


If you don’t agree with our Privacy Policy or don’t want us to collect your Personal Information, then you shouldn’t use our Website. If you change your mind and don’t agree with our Privacy Policy anymore, then you should stop using our Website. If you have any questions, you can contact our Privacy Officer at

We’ll only use your Personal Information for the reasons that we collected it. If we don’t need your Personal Information anymore for those reasons, then we’ll stop using it.



We collect and receive personal information in different ways depending on how you interact with us. We collect personal information as part of our ordinary business operations, including the provision of our services to you. Personal information that we collect from you may include:

Please don’t give us Personal Information about someone else unless you have their permission and they know about this Privacy Policy.



We collect personal information when you interact with us, when we interact with you, when you visit our website and when you use our App. The personal information we collect will depend on the nature and purpose of the interaction with us. We will generally collect personal information:

By providing us with your personal information you are consenting to us collecting your personal information and using it in accordance with this Policy and applicable law.



We collect personal information where it is necessary to respond to your request, provide the goods or services you have requested, or to otherwise manage your interaction with us. When we obtain your personal information, we will only use that personal information for the purpose for which it is collected, as set out in this Policy or as permitted by law. Generally, we will collect and use personal information from you for the following purposes:


We may collect personal information from third parties

In most instances we will collect personal information directly from you. However, given the nature of the goods and/or services we provide, it will not always be possible to collect all personal information directly from you.

We will only collect personal information about you from third parties as set out in this Policy, where it is reasonably necessary in the circumstances, where we are obtaining such personal information from a publicly available source, or where you have provided your express or implied consent. Examples of where we collect personal information about you from third parties include:

· publicly available sources;

· regulators, government authorities, Courts or the Police; or

· our payment providers and affiliates.


Who your information may be disclosed to

In the course of using your personal information, we may disclose your personal information to third parties. We will only share personal information with third parties where we are permitted under this Policy, where you have specifically authorised us to do so or in accordance with our legal obligations. For example, we may share your personal information with:

· third parties that help us deliver our goods and/or services including without limitation our contractors and service providers;

· our affiliate and group companies;

· IT and data storage providers;

· security providers;

· payment providers;

· debt collection and credit reporting agencies;

· any person or entity whom you have permitted us to disclose the information to;

· regulatory or government bodies such as the police; and

· any person or entity whom we are permitted to do so under law.

We will only disclose your personal information to trusted third parties.



At times, cookies may be used to help us serve you better. A cookie is a small element of data sent by a website to your browser, which may then be stored on your hard drive so we can recognise you when you return. You may set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie and, if you wish, to reject it, or clear cookies by using your browsers options.

We may use cookies in connection with your use of our website. If you choose not to have your browser accept cookies from our website you will be able to view text on screens, however you may not experience a personalised visit.

Web beacons, also known as clear gif technology, or action tags, assist in delivering the cookie. This technology tells us how many visitors clicked on key elements (such as links or graphics) on our website. We do not use this technology to access your personal information. It is a tool we use to compile aggregated statistics about the website’s usage. We may share this tracking information with third parties.


Direct Marketing

You consent to receiving messages from us by email, text message or post. If you decide that you no longer wish to receive marketing material from us you can elect to unsubscribe by selecting the option in the email or by emailing us at, replying ‘STOP” to any text message or by contacting us directly by telephone or post.


Links to other websites

Our website may contain links to other websites that we may believe to be useful and informative for you. However, please be aware that we do not endorse or recommend the content of these sites and are not responsible for the privacy practices of these websites. Please ensure you understand and read the privacy policy and terms of use of each site that you choose to visit.


We have reasonable protections in place against unauthorised access, use, modification, disclosure and loss of your Personal Information.




PRIVACY COMPLAINTS you think that we haven’t properly protected your privacy, you can tell our Privacy Officer here, or complain to the New Zealand Privacy Commissioner.

If we believe that there has been a privacy breach, then we will identify the breach and take reasonable steps to minimise any harm caused by the breach. Where we believe any breach of privacy poses a risk of serious harm, or is likely to cause serious harm then we are required to notify the Privacy Commissioner and affected parties.

Office of the New Zealand Privacy Commissioner


Phone: 0800 803 909




If we change our Privacy Policy, then we will tell you about it on our Website and our App as applicable. The changes will apply 14 days after we post them. If you don’t agree with the changes, you should stop using our Website and/or our App. If you keep using our Website and/or App, then this will indicate that you have agreed to our changes.

How to get in touch with us

Your privacy is important to us, if you have a general privacy enquiry or complaint about a privacy breach then please contact our Privacy Officer at: